Removal of skin lesions with the latest laser technology


Rückenansicht mit Muttermalen symbolisiert Entfernung von Hautveränderungen mit Laser

Over the course of time, our skin can be affected by various changes, which can be very annoying. These changes can be age-related, including sagging tissue, the first wrinkles or senile warts (seborrheic keratosis). However, many people also consider moles, pigmentation marks and scars to be blemishes that they would like to have removed.

As an experienced dermatologist, I would like to inform you about the options of removing skin lesions using laser technology. A variety of skin lesions can be treated safely, effectively and gently. To learn about our laser treatments, please read the information below or talk to me in person at one of my practices or via my video consultation.



starting at EUR 150 per session


at least 15 minutes per session


Local anaesthesia depending on treatment or upon request



Advantages of laser treatment

  • Smoother, more balanced skin
  • Safe treatment of a variety of skin lesions
  • Protection of the surrounding skin areas

Treatment areas for hair removal

Face and whole body

What are skin lesions and how do they develop?

Skin lesions are abnormalities of the skin that differ in structure, shape or colour from the surrounding skin. They can be congenital or develop over the course of a lifetime. There are different causes.

Liver spots, moles and birthmarks:

Liver spots, moles and birthmarks are among the most common skin lesions. They are mostly benign and usually genetically determined. They develop from melanocytes, the cells responsible for skin pigmentation. In the course of life, these marks can change in size and colour. They should be examined periodically by a doctor so that changes can be recognised early on and treated, if necessary.

Pigmentation marks:

Pigmentation marks usually occur due to long-term exposure to the sun. Consequently, they mainly appear on areas of the body that are frequently exposed to sunlight, such as the face, hands and arms. They are caused by increased production of melanin, the colouring pigment of the skin and hair. If pigmentation marks appear later in life, they are also known as age spots or liver spots (solar lentigo).

Acne scars:

Pimples and pustules are often very pronounced and appear as acne. If they are improperly treated or scratched open, scars can develop as a result. For many people who have been affected by acne, these scars are an unpleasant reminder of this skin condition.


Abscesses are purulent inflammations of the skin or underlying tissue caused by bacteria. They can form when bacteria multiply in a blocked sebaceous gland. They are often extremely painful.


Keratoses are rough, scaly patches of skin that often take on a reddish colour. They are caused by strong UV radiation. Actinic keratosis is a precursor to light-coloured skin cancer (e.g. basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma).


The causes of lipomas are not fully understood, but genetic factors are suspected. They are benign tumours of fatty tissue. In most cases, they develop at an older age. Obesity does not play a role in their developme


Fibromas are also benign tumours. They form from connective tissue, often on the neck, in the armpits or under the breast. They are usually harmless.

Burst and red veins (couperose):

Couperose is a genetically caused dilation of the small blood vessels on the surface of the skin. It mainly occurs on the nose and cheeks.


Scars occur when the skin closes up again after an injury, inflammation (e.g. acne) or surgery and can no longer fully regenerate. The appearance varies depending on the size, cause and shape of the skin injury.

Symptoms of skin lesions

Depending on the type of skin lesions, they can manifest themselves in different ways. Age-related skin lesions, for example, appear in the form of liver spots and pigmentation marks or visible veins. Typical symptoms include redness and rashes, as well as rough, dry or scaly patches. Acne scars can appear as bumps or indentations on the skin. Other possible symptoms include itching, inflammation, pain or bleeding, depending on the form and extent.

Procedure of the laser treatment

You can learn about the laser treatment process below.

Initial consultation

The first step is a detailed initial consultation, either online or on site at one of my two practices. A personal consultation is essential, as I can only choose the right treatment for you after a thorough skin analysis. We will then determine together whether lasering the skin lesions is possible and what the best choice is in your case. I will explain the treatment procedure to you in detail and answer all your questions.


You should refrain from sunbathing and going to tanning studios for four weeks before the treatment. In many cases, lasering tanned skin can make the treatment impossible. Generally, the skin should not have any acute inflammation. Depending on the skin lesions, you will receive special skincare products in advance to optimise preparation for the treatment.

Treatment procedure

Laser treatment can generally be applied to all areas of the body. It is performed on an outpatient basis and in many cases without anaesthetic. Upon request, we can apply a local anaesthetic to the area to be treated. Many benign skin lesions can be successfully treated with just one laser session, while others require several applications to achieve the desired result.

The duration of laser treatment varies and can last up to 60 minutes. The application time of the local anaesthetic is just a few minutes. After thorough skin cleansing, the affected skin areas are treated selectively with the laser. You may feel a slight burning sensation. The precisely targeted treatment means that the surrounding tissue can be spared.


You should bear in mind that your skin is extremely sensitive after the treatment. Therefore, you should avoid sun exposure and tanning studios for a few weeks. Depending on the laser treatment, it may also be necessary to refrain from ports/exercising for a few days or weeks. Special skincare products to promote healing can also be crucial. Aftercare following the removal of skin lesions is very personalised. I will inform you in detail before and after the treatment.

Costs of laser treatment for skin lesions

The cost of laser treatment depends on the type and size of the skin lesion. In some cases, the costs may be covered by health insurance, although this varies depending on the insurance provider and individual contract conditions. Generally, the costs of purely aesthetic treatments are not covered. I will gladly draft a personalised costs projection for you.

Contact and personalised consultation

Do you suffer from skin lesions that bother you? I would be happy to discuss your laser treatment options with you. Schedule an appointment now for a personal consultation, either in one of my practices or conveniently via video consultation. I look forward to hearing from you!

Frequently asked questions about the removal of skin lesions with laser

Answers from the expert Dr Duve

What is the difference between benign and malignant skin lesions?

Benign skin lesions generally do not cause any health problems. Furthermore, they usually develop slowly, while malignant lesions can cause further symptoms and may lead to rapid growth.

When should I go to the doctor with a skin lesion?

You should consult a doctor for any lesions that are noticeable and cause you concern.

Is the removal of skin lesions with the laser painful?

Most of our patients report a slight burning sensation. A local anaesthetic can be applied, if necessary.

How long does a laser treatment take and do I need several sessions?

The duration and number of sessions depend on the size, type and depth of the skin lesion. Several applications are often required.

Are the results of laser treatment permanent or can skin lesions recur?

In most cases, the results are permanent. In some situations, however, skin lesions can recur, particularly in cases of genetic predisposition or chronic conditions.

What are the risks and side effects of laser removal of skin lesions?

In the hands of experienced doctors, laser removal is low-risk. Potential side effects include swelling, redness and, in rare cases, blistering. These symptoms usually subside after a few days.

Does health insurance cover the costs of laser removal of skin lesions?

Potential cost coverage depends on the type of skin lesions and the policies of the health insurance. The costs are generally not covered for purely cosmetic treatments.

Personal consultation


Doctor Duve mit seiner Pflegelinie

Schedule an appointment for a personal consultation now by phone or via our contact form. You are also welcome to use our online consultation for your first meeting.




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Tel.: (+41) 43 268 10 60 E-Mail:

Opening hours

Mon - Thu
08.00 - 18.00
08.00 - 16.00
MVZ Hautzentrum an der Oper Administered by MVZ Corius München GmbH Perusastraße 5 80333 München Germany
Tel.: +49 89/26022442 E-Mail:

Opening hours

Mon, Wed
08.30 - 12.30
15.00 - 17.30
Tue, Thu
08.30 - 12.30
15.00 - 18.30
08.30 - 12.30
09.00 - 12.00
By appointment only
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