Low-risk methods for younger skin


Frau mit jünger und frischen Haut symbolisiert Hautstraffung

Many people desire youthful skin. Unfortunately, our youth does not last forever. However, if you want to have firm, healthy and radiant skin even in old age, you now have several options to fulfil this wish. Surgery is not the only way to tighten the skin and make fat deposits disappear. Dr Duve offers the following devices and methods for skin tightening, which can be used on the whole body. Dr Duve is one of the most experienced dermatologists in the world and one of the top contacts when it comes to skin tightening. Among others, he offers the following treatment options: Wer auch im Alter noch eine straffe, gesunde und glänzende Haut haben möchte, hat jedoch mittlerweile mehrere Möglichkeiten, sich diesen Wunsch zu erfüllen.

  • Agnes®
  • Accent Prime
  • Ultherapy®
  • Ultraformer



Upon request


20 minutes or longer, depending on the method


Anaesthetic cream, depending on the method



Advantages of non-surgical skin tightening

  • Lastingly tightened skin
  • Body shaping
  • Tightening of wrinkled skin on the entire body
  • No surgery required

For whom are the treatments suitable?

Skin-tightening options are an issue for many people who are bothered by their wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity. The skin-tightening methods offered by Dr Duve are suitable for people of all ages. Wrinkles are caused by the sagging of skin, which is exactly where the aforementioned methods come in. The skin is stimulated with ultrasound and radiofrequency technology and thus tightened with long-lasting effect. The new production of collagen and elastin plays a major role in this process. Without surgery, the skin of patients looks revitalised and regenerated in just a few sessions – with significantly fewer wrinkles. Fat deposits are also tackled with these methods. Shape your body so that you feel good again.

Which areas can be treated?

Generally, all the techniques and devices can be used to treat all areas of the body where people are bothered by wrinkles and sagging skin. It is possible to make the wrinkles much less visible. Patients are typically delighted with the results. The improvements can usually be seen just a few days after the procedure and last for several months. The special advantage is that the procedure is minimally invasive and therefore does not require surgery or downtime.

The main areas to be treated are:

  • Jowls,
  • Sagging skin areas,
  • Neck wrinkles,
  • Crow’s feet,
  • Bags under the eyes,
  • Double chin,
  • Acne.

What should be considered before the treatment?

Do not take any blood thinners for about 14 days, and avoid alcohol and cigarettes on the treatment day. Apart from that, Dr Duve recommends that you do not apply make-up, tanning creams or other lotions to the areas to be treated before the procedure. Just show up for treatment freshly showered (and without make-up if it is a treatment on your face). Beyond that, you do not need to take any further precautions, unless during your individual consultation you are informed of any special features in your case.

How does the treatment work?

First, Dr Duve will have a detailed consultation with you. In addition to choosing the treatment option that suits your expectations, he will inform you about risks and side effects and give you time to ask questions. You will have the chance to get to know Dr Stefan Duve and to convince yourself of his expertise. In order to build a real relationship of trust, you should use the time to ask questions and find out everything that is important to you.


Agnes® is considered a top treatment for bags under the eyes. For this method, Dr Duve uses a device with needle electrodes that emit radiofrequency (heat) to reduce fat in bags under the eyes. All this is done with such great care and innovative technology that the skin is not damaged. This minimally invasive method makes the eyes shine again. The aesthetic corrections can be performed on any skin type. After the treatment, patients can return home right away. Slight redness and swelling are possible, but you can carry on with your usual social activities.

Accent Prime

Precisely targeted, safe and with state-of-the-art technology. Accent Prime relies on ultrasound and a very large applicator with a 300 cm² treatment area. This way, body shaping and skin tightening are achieved at high speed. The skin looks much smoother and firmer. The treatment is very fast, and even for larger areas, it is over in about 20 minutes. Accent Prime combines different methods and technologies. In addition to ultrasound, it also uses radiofrequency energy. You can return to your social life immediately after the treatment and do not have to expect any major side effects.

Ultherapy® and Ultraformer

The particularly gentle and effective way to firmer skin. The special ultrasound treatment works from the inside out and is particularly sustainable. It has been successfully used by Dr Duve and his team for more than ten years and always delights the patients. Micro-focused ultrasound waves penetrate the tissue without damaging the skin and work at a depth of up to 4.5 millimetres – i.e. in tissue layers that can usually only be reached by a scalpel. The treatment has a warming effect, to which the skin responds by producing fresh collagen and elastin. You can go home immediately after the treatment, and you will be pleased with the amazing result, which will become more and more visible within six months.

What should I consider after the treatment?

Do not expose your skin to permanent sunlight right after the treatment and take it easy. However, you can carry on with your usual social activities, and you do not have to expect any further major restrictions. It is possible that the treated areas will burn or pinch a little, but this is completely normal and will go away after a short time.

When will the result be visible?

The first result is visible immediately after the treatment, but it will become more pronounced over time. The final result is achieved after up to six months. At that time, if you wish, you can repeat the treatment and reinforce or refresh the result.

How much does the treatment cost?

Prices vary depending on the treatment method and the area to be improved. Generally, you can expect prices starting at EUR 2,000 for Ultherapy®. For a treatment with Accent Prime, the costs start at around EUR 400. Agnes® prices start at EUR 250.

What side effects can occur?

The risk is low. All treatments are minimally invasive procedures. This means that your skin will not be visibly damaged or seriously affected. Best of all, with Dr Duve you are in the hands of a doctor who has decades of experience and outstanding expertise.

Frequently asked questions about skin tightening

Answers from the expert Dr Duve

Can excess skin recede?

After gaining weight and then losing a lot of weight, there is often excess skin that does not recede. Surgical intervention or methods to tighten the skin with radiofrequency or ultrasound technology can help.

What can be done against sagging skin?

The following therapies and devices are suitable for sustainably tightening sagging skin: Agnes®, Accent Prime and Ultherapy®.

Is skin tightening possible without surgery?

Skin tightening with surgery is necessary if there are large areas or very sagging and wrinkled skin involved. Agnes®, Accent Prime and Ultherapy® offer options without surgery that achieve very good results.


Personal consultation


Doctor Duve mit seiner Pflegelinie

Schedule an appointment for a personal consultation now by phone or via our contact form. You are also welcome to use our online consultation for your first meeting.




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