Drip Spa Munich.
Natural revitalisation
Everyday life and the expectations of others place high demands on us and our bodies. As a result, our metabolism and body perform at peak levels. Therefore, the first warning signs that we have reached our limits are often ignored for a long time. This is exactly where the DOCTOR DUVE Drip Spa comes in.
Answers from the expert Dr Duve
What is the advantage of infusions?
Does an infusion of vitamins replace a healthy diet?
What are the infusions made of?
Can a difference already be noticed right after the Drip Spa?
How do I know which infusion is right for me?
Today’s lifestyle promotes the accumulation of substances in our cells due to high stress levels, insufficient exercise, an unbalanced diet and the resulting over-acidification. However, we do not ingest all harmful substances via the environment or food; the body’s own processes also produce breakdown products, which are disposed of by the body via the lymphatic system, kidneys, liver and skin.
Due to today’s prevailing lifestyle, which is characterized by high mental and physical demands on all our resources, our organism quickly reaches its limits. Our cells can no longer function properly, as the metabolic breakdown products are inadequately eliminated. This manifests itself, for example, in symptoms such as fatigue, poor performance and loss of concentration.
The DOCTOR DUVE Drip Spa Detoxshot Infusion was developed for this purpose. The sophisticated composition of chemical elements and compounds specifically promotes the body’s own metabolic processes and ensures reactivation. In addition to magnesium, copper and amino acids, cobalt and manganese are also used. Support your annual detox cure with the DOCTOR DUVE Drip Spa Detoxshot Infusion. We recommend the Detoxshot as a cure with a total of eight applications over a period of four weeks.
What is noticeable in men through a decline in physical resilience, women notice through a lack of mental resilience. Our hormone metabolism has a significant impact on our entire organism, as do our moods and limits of resilience. If our hormone metabolism gets out of control, we quickly suffer the consequences.
The special composition of the DOCTOR DUVE Drip Spa Energybooster Infusion with B vitamins has been precisely tailored to the needs of both sexes. The vitamin complex in combination with folic acid brings the hormone metabolism back into balance in the long term and ensures increased performance for both women and men. The DOCTOR DUVE Drip Spa infusion variant Energybooster F helps women to regulate their cycle and prevent bothersome discomfort and pain.
Our experts recommend the Energybooster infusion at least once a year with eight infusions for a period of four weeks. Whether for men or women, the Energybooster revitalizes you sustainably.
Whether for men or women, the energy booster revitalizes you sustainably. Our immune system achieves incredible things: we are constantly exposed to bacteria, viruses and other pathogens that try to break through our protection. The immune system plays the main role in the defense.
If our defenses are weakened, a lack of vitamin C and vitamin D as well as prolonged stress are often the triggers. Due to the weakened natural protection, flu-like infections and bacterial colds are often the result.
Specially developed to strengthen the immune system, DOCTOR DUVE Drip Spa Powershot Infusion quickly and sustainably boosts your immune defenses against viral diseases. A healthy diet, enough sleep and exercise are not always enough to strengthen the immune system sufficiently. Even food supplements taken orally are not fully absorbed via the digestive tract.
The DOCTOR DUVE Drip Spa Powershot contains high doses of vitamin C and zinc as well as the trace elements copper and selenium to strengthen the body’s own defenses and ward off pathogens and viruses.
Rounded off with amino acids, vitamin B12, magnesium and hyaluronic acid, the Powershot infusion helps to improve detoxification via the spleen, kidneys and liver. You will benefit from noticeable improvements after the first infusion. Our experts recommend a four-week course of treatment with one treatment per week for lasting results.
If you want to lose weight sustainably, there is no way around adjusting your diet and getting enough exercise. Die gesunde Ernährung legt hier den Grundstein für eine gesunde Darmflora. It has been proven that an imbalance in the microbiome of our gut leads to increased calorie intake from food compared to healthy gut flora. This has an impact – also on the scales.
In addition to dietary adjustments and more exercise, the body’s own breakdown processes, such as lymph flow and metabolism, should also be promoted. This is where the DOCTOR DUVE Drip Spa Slimbooster can help: it contains the protein compound L-carnitine to support fat loss, as well as L-glutamine in combination with magnesium to support muscle building. Vitamins B12 and B6 help to control appetite. The Slimbooster is supplemented by green tea leaf extracts, which increase the lymph flow and thus help to regulate the water balance.
The DOCTOR DUVE Drip Spa Slimbooster Infusion is ideally suited to accompany a change in diet and various fasting programs.
We often put too much strain on our bodies through prolonged stress and overwork. We are no longer physically and mentally productive. In addition to the onset of burnout, high alcohol consumption can also be a factor that affects our body. Drinking too much alcohol causes us to lose too much fluid and, as a result, important electrolytes. This manifests itself in the form of headaches, sensitivity to light or even nausea.
The DOCTOR DUVE Drip Spa Slow Down Infusion was developed for these situations. The Slow Down Infusion minimizes oxidative stress thanks to the special composition of coenzyme Q10 and vitamins A, C, E and D. The infusion thus helps the body to promote and restart its own regenerative abilities. Tiredness, mental and physical stress are alleviated by the active ingredients N-acetylcysteine and taurine. The trace elements zinc and selenium complement the Drip Spa.
We recommend the Drip Spa Slow Down for deceleration and regeneration for people who are particularly challenged at work and in their social environment and who have to cope with major tasks. To ensure that your own performance is maintained, we recommend preventive use of the DOCTOR DUVE Drip Spa Slow Down as a four-week course with a total of eight applications.
A healthy skin structure, beautiful firm skin and healthy hair play a major role in our appearance. The DOCTOR DUVE Drip Spa Vitalglow was developed especially for this purpose.
The special composition of Drip Spa Vitalglow helps to gently improve the skin’s appearance and structure. Vitamins A, C and E help to prevent damage caused by free radicals. Zinc and silicon are known to keep hair and nails healthy. A hormone-balancing active ingredient in the DOCTOR DUVE Drip Spa Vitalglow Infusion provides a freshness booster for the skin.
The DOCTOR DUVE Drip Spa Vitalglow is recommended for maintaining and improving the health of the skin to prevent premature ageing. The infusion therapy can be used in addition to a medical or cosmetic facial treatment or as a four-week course with a total of eight applications.
Schedule an appointment for a personal consultation now by phone or via our contact form. You are also welcome to use our online consultation for your first meeting.