Diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases



Our skin is our largest organ. As a sensitive sensory organ, it surrounds our entire body and performs several important tasks, such as regulating temperature and moisture and protecting us from pathogens. We perceive touch and pain through our skin. If we are not feeling well, it can often be recognised by the way our skin looks. It is also directly exposed to all kinds of environmental factors on a daily basis.

This makes it all the more important to properly take care of our skin and keep it healthy. Dermatology plays a crucial role when it comes to the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases. As a skin specialist, it is my job to recognise skin diseases and initiate appropriate treatment.

As an experienced dermatologist, I would like to inform you about the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases. Please read the information below or talk to me in person at one of my practices or via my video consultation.

What skin diseases are there?

There is a wide variety of different skin conditions. Some are acute while others are chronic. They can be categorised based on various aspects.

Autoimmune diseases of the skin:

In patients with autoimmune diseases, the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy skin tissue. This leads to inflammatory processes, which manifest themselves as redness, blistering, scaling or pain, etc. The most common autoimmune diseases include:

  • Blistering skin diseases
  • Psoriasis (psoriasis vulgaris)
  • Neurodermatitis
  • Dermatitis
  • Urticaria/hives

Skin infections:

Skin infections can be caused by various pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Some of these pathogens can also colonise the skin as natural skin flora and become a source of infection in the event of injury or weakness of the immune system. Typical skin diseases include:

  • Skin abscesses
  • Herpes
  • Shingles
  • Fungal infections
  • Worm infections

Sexually transmitted diseases:

Sexually transmitted diseases are usually transmitted through sexual contact. They can also be caused by infections from all pathogen groups. Possible symptoms include pain, swelling of the lymph nodes or discharge. The most common sexually transmitted diseases include:

  • Genital herpes
  • Genital warts
  • Syphilis
  • Gonorrhoea

Diseases of the cutaneous appendages:

Diseases of the cutaneous appendages include:

  • Nail diseases
  • Diseases of the sweat glands
  • Seborrhoeic eczema
  • Hair loss

Congenital skin diseases:

Some skin diseases can also be congenital. Genetic changes in function or loss of function can lead to disorders. Ichthyosis is a group of hereditary diseases marked by impaired keratinisation of the skin. The skin also becomes very scaly.


Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. It can occur in various forms, such as basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma or malignant melanoma. Genetic predisposition and excessive sun exposure are among the most important causative factors. Regularly scheduled skin cancer screening is crucial for early cancer detection.

Reasons for skin diseases

There are many reasons for skin diseases. Genetic predispositions often play a role. For example, excessive birthmark formation can increase the risk of skin cancer. Other possible triggers include extensive sunbathing without sun protection. Allergies and venous disorders can also disrupt the balance of the skin. This can also have a negative impact on our nails and hair. Hair loss is another potential sign of a skin disease.

Diagnosis of skin diseases

Depending on the symptoms and pathology, I use various measures and methods to diagnose skin diseases. For example, I use:

  • Computer-aided procedures for skin analysis,
  • Patient interviews to determine lifestyle habits and diet,
  • Blood tests for a detailed laboratory diagnosis,
  • Biopsies for microscopic examination of skin tissue,
  • Scrapings (e.g. if a fungal infection is suspected)
  • Skin tests (e.g. in the context of allergology) and
  • Special skin examinations as part of skin cancer screening.

Treatment concepts for skin diseases

Depending on the diagnosis, a variety of treatment methods can be considered. These include:

Drug treatment:

Drug treatment is an important pillar of dermatological therapy. It is used for a variety of skin diseases. This can involve the use of topical medications such as creams, ointments or lotions, which are applied directly to the skin. Amongst other things, they can be used to treat inflammation, allergic reactions or infections. If the skin disease affects the entire body or if topical treatments prove to be insufficient, systemic therapy (for example, in the form of oral medication or injections) can be effective. Amongst other things, they are used for severe acne, psoriasis or autoimmune diseases.

Laser treatments:

Laser treatments use highly focussed light to target specific skin disorders. They can be used to treat vascular lesions (e.g. spider veins), pigmentation disorders or certain forms of skin cancer. Laser treatment methods can specifically target the affected areas, thereby protecting the surrounding tissue.

Outpatient surgeries:

I perform outpatient surgeries, particularly when it comes to removing skin lesions such as moles, warts or skin cancer. Surgery can also be used to remove cysts or correct scars. Most of these surgeries are performed under local anaesthetic.

Contact and personalised consultation

Keep an eye on your skin. If you notice any abnormalities, you should not hesitate to have them checked by a doctor. Your skin health is in the best hands with me and my team. In addition to being physically unappealing, I understand that skin disorders can often affect people psychologically. Therefore, my primary goal is not only to take care of your medical needs, but also to help you feel better about yourself.

It is very important to me that I provide you with comprehensive, personalised advice. This allows me to precisely determine the needs of your skin and initiate the best treatment option. Schedule an appointment now for a personal consultation, either in one of my practices or conveniently via video consultation. I look forward to hearing from you!

Frequently asked questions about skin diseases

Answers from the expert Dr Duve

What are the most common skin diseases?

There is a vast amount of skin diseases. The most common diseases include acne, psoriasis, rosacea, neurodermatitis, eczema and skin cancer.

How do I recognise that I have a skin condition and when should I see a dermatologist?

Possible signs of a skin condition include redness and rashes, swelling, itching or unusual skin lesions. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should consult a skin specialist right away.

What tests are necessary to diagnose my skin condition?

Which tests are useful or necessary depends on the symptoms. Possible options include special skin tests, biopsies or blood tests.

How long does the treatment of a skin disease usually take?

The treatment duration varies greatly. It depends on the type and severity of the disease.

How can I contribute to the healing of my skin condition and how important is aftercare?

It is important to follow the medical treatment concepts. It is also beneficial to protect your skin from irritating substances, high temperatures and excessive sunlight.

How can I prevent skin disorders?

A healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and sufficient fluid intake as well as periodic skin examinations by a doctor can have a positive impact on skin health. Pay attention to any changes and have them checked promptly.

Personal consultation


Doctor Duve mit seiner Pflegelinie

Schedule an appointment for a personal consultation now by phone or via our contact form. You are also welcome to use our online consultation for your first meeting.




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