Firm skin without surgery or injections


Many women and men have them: annoying fat deposits that cannot be eliminated by a balanced diet or by exercise. Excess fat is particularly noticeable around the abdomen and legs. Getting rid of it does not require surgical intervention. Generally, not even an injection is necessary. Fat removal with extreme cold – or cryolipolysis as it is called – makes it possible to treat problem areas with extreme cold.

This treatment requires a special device, called CoolSculpting®, with which the corresponding area of skin is sucked in by a vacuum and cooled in a very targeted manner. Since fat cells react to cold temperatures, they can be permanently reduced in a specific place. Unlike the fat cells, the surrounding skin, vessels, nerves and other skin structures are not damaged by the treatment. Dr Duve is an expert in the treatment of fat deposits. With cryolipolysis, he offers a procedure that is extremely gentle on the tissue and does not require incisions or surgery. This is a particularly gentle way to achieve a defined body silhouette. In addition to the correct indication (large amounts of fat cannot be successfully treated with this method), it is also important to use the original device.

Unfortunately, there are many imitation products on the market that usually achieve hardly any results or require many treatments. With CoolSculpting®, one treatment per region is usually sufficient.



Starting at EUR 750 per session


Approx. 60 minutes





Advantages of cryolipolysis

  • Tighten contours
  • Stubborn fat deposits disappear
  • Particularly gentle procedure

Treatment areas for cryolipolysis

Abdomen, thighs, upper arms, buttocks, chest

What is fat reduction using extreme cold and how does it work?

The principle of cryolipolysis treatment is based on the fact that fat cells react very sensitively to cold temperatures and vacuum. If the fatty tissue is treated with cooling, the fat cells can be broken down over a longer time frame as part of the body’s natural metabolic processes. The results are permanent. The procedure, also known as cryoshaping, works with CoolSculpting®, a special device with a vacuum applicator that selectively sucks the skin in the area to be treated and then cools it down. The method is considered to be extremely gentle on the tissue and painless. Die Ergebnisse sind dauerhaft.

For whom is cryolipolysis treatment suitable?

Cryolipolysis treatment is suitable for anyone who is annoyed by stubborn fat deposits and would like to get rid of them. Dr Duve likes to refer to these regions as problem rolls. The device can be used especially for localised fat deposits. If you are otherwise of normal weight or only slightly overweight, you will achieve particularly good results with this procedure. However, there are also factors or diseases that exclude cryolipolysis. For example, the application is not recommended for people who are very overweight, pregnant women, patients with large scars or inflammation and people with sensory disturbance.

Which areas can be treated with CoolSculpting®?

Generally, the application of cryolipolysis treatment is possible wherever disturbing fat deposits can occur. Typical treatment areas include: –

  • Abdomen
  • Hips
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs
  • Arms
  • Chin area
  • Back

What should be considered before the treatment?

If possible, no blood thinners should be taken for a few days before the treatment in order to avoid bruising. Of course, if you take blood thinners regularly, you should discuss the discontinuation with your doctor beforehand. On the treatment day itself, no special preparation is necessary on the part of the patient. The skin area to be treated should be clean; for cryoshaping in the chin area, you should show up without make-up. Of course, before every treatment with us, Dr Duve will have a detailed discussion with you, during which he will inform you about the procedure, the expected results and any risks.

How does the treatment work?

Before applying the vacuum applicator, a cold protection cloth is placed on the corresponding skin area. Anaesthesia is not necessary as the treatment is painless; at most, the cold sensation may seem a little unusual at first. Then suction is applied with a vacuum device and followed by cooling for about an hour. A more extensive treatment on areas with firmer connective tissue, such as the buttocks or outer thighs, is carried out using a plate applicator – this is done without a vacuum.

You can sit back and relax during the treatment. After the application, the treated area is loosened up a little with a massage and potential lymphoedema removed.

What should I consider after the treatment?

As the treatment is non-invasive and without anaesthetic, there is no need to observe any special rules afterwards. There is no downtime, and you will not require a resting period.

When will the result be visible?

It can take up to twelve weeks before you see a final result. The reason for this is that the fat cells can only be broken down during this period after the treatment. Whether a second treatment is necessary must be decided individually.

How much does the treatment cost?

The costs for treatment depend greatly on the area of the body to be treated as well as on the number of sessions needed. Experience shows that the costs start at around EUR 750.

What are the risks?

With Dr Duve, you are in very good hands and do not have to fear any serious side effects. However, there is always a small residual risk. With CoolSculpting®, such risks include:

  • Bruising,
  • Redness,
  • Numbness,
  • Swelling,
  • Sensitivity to touch.

In very rare cases, there may be a paradoxical proliferation of fatty tissue instead of its breakdown. Dr Duve will inform you about this rare complication. Generally, however, cryolipolysis is extremely low risk.

Frequently asked questions about cryolipolysis

Answers from the expert Dr Duve

How many cryolipolysis sessions are necessary for a satisfactory result?

In many cases, one cryolipolysis treatment is enough to achieve visible results. Depending on the individual initial situation, a follow-up treatment may also be advised.

Is the fat tissue permanently removed during cryolipolysis?

After the cold treatment, the fat cells are completely removed. They also do not regenerate. Therefore, the treatment can be considered permanent.

Does the cryolipolysis treatment hurt?

During cryolipolysis, you will at most feel a slight pinching sensation, but it only lasts for a short time. The treatment itself is absolutely painless.

How much does the cryolipolysis treatment cost?

Cryolipolysis treatment costs start at EUR 750. The costs depend on the area of the body to be treated and the individual initial situation.


Personal consultation


Doctor Duve mit seiner Pflegelinie

Schedule an appointment for a personal consultation now by phone or via our contact form. You are also welcome to use our online consultation for your first meeting.




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