Most people share the desire for radiant, youthful and healthy-looking skin. It sets a high standard for today’s ideal of beauty and – in my decades of work as a dermatologist – all my patients have come to me seeking to fulfil this dream. Astonishingly, the strongest ally on the path to achieving this goal is your own body.
You have enormous self-healing powers, which are activated at Doctor Duve using state-of-the-art methods. We refer to these methods as regenerative medicine.
Among other things, it involves repairing skin damage and loss of elasticity in the connective tissue, promoting hair growth and improving scars, to name but a few. I will explain below how you can benefit from these methods and what exactly happens in your body.
between EUR 800 and 4,000 per session
depends on the treatment
local anaesthesia
none or up to 2 days
Advantages of regenerative medicine
- Natural results without producing a pillow face
- Lasts longer than conventional fillers
- No downtime
Treatment areas for regenerative medicine
face, neck and décolleté, sagging areas on arms and legs and hair loss
Frequently asked questions about treatment with regenerative medicine
Answers from the expert Dr. Duve
When can I expect to see the results?
How long do the results last?
Is the treatment painful?