Aesthetics through the body’s self-healing powers


Gesicht rothaariger Frau mir Sommersprossen symbolisiert regenerative Medizin

Most people share the desire for radiant, youthful and healthy-looking skin. It sets a high standard for today’s ideal of beauty and – in my decades of work as a dermatologist – all my patients have come to me seeking to fulfil this dream. Astonishingly, the strongest ally on the path to achieving this goal is your own body.

You have enormous self-healing powers, which are activated at Doctor Duve using state-of-the-art methods. We refer to these methods as regenerative medicine.

Among other things, it involves repairing skin damage and loss of elasticity in the connective tissue, promoting hair growth and improving scars, to name but a few. I will explain below how you can benefit from these methods and what exactly happens in your body.



between EUR 800 and 4,000 per session


depends on the treatment


local anaesthesia


none or up to 2 days

Advantages of regenerative medicine

  • Natural results without producing a pillow face
  • Lasts longer than conventional fillers
  • No downtime

Treatment areas for regenerative medicine

face, neck and décolleté, sagging areas on arms and legs and hair loss

More than just a trend – what is regenerative medicine?

Regenerative medicine encompasses all treatments in which damaged tissue is repaired, replaced or regenerated by promoting the body’s endogenous healing processes or using biological treatment methods.

In the field of dermatology and aesthetic medicine, I work with natural bio-boosters to support cell communication, combat micro-inflammation in the skin and stimulate collagen and elastin production. In addition to producing clearer, more radiant skin, this approach tones slightly sagging skin and softens small wrinkles. Very good results can also be achieved with hair loss.

What beauty boosters are available?

The body’s self-healing powers can be harnessed and activated in many ways. The key is to assess and define the current situation and the desired goal in advance. Once this has been established, the appropriate treatment option and beauty booster are selected. The most tried-and-tested and most successful options are listed below.

Stem cells/nanofat

Stem cells are found throughout all tissues of the human body. However, they are much easier to extract from some areas than from others. Good extraction areas include bone marrow, the placenta, the umbilical cord – but also fatty tissue, known as adipocyte tissue. It contains numerous mesenchymal stem or stromal cells as well as their contents, such as polynucleotides or exosomes.

The tissue is removed with a special cannula. The stromal cells are extracted using specific procedures and re-injected on the same day into the areas of the skin to be treated. In contrast to other stem cell therapies or filler treatments, no other exogenous substances are added. Repair processes and collagen synthesis are stimulated and the life phases of the cells are extended.

The latest scientific findings show that the stem cells do not stimulate the regeneration processes directly. Instead, they are stimulated by the secretome, which is a collection of substances that are secreted by the stem cells into the extracellular space, such as growth factors, polynucleotides and exosomes.


As a component of the secretome, exosomes are among the superstars of medicine. They are tiny little bubbles inside the cells – almost like soap bubbles. They are surrounded by a lipid membrane, which stores energy efficiently and maintains the structure and fluidity of cells. Notably, the signals that the secreted exosomes send to other cells are particularly important.

In conventional medicine, exosomes are promising candidates in the research into cancer and autoimmune diseases. At Doctor Duve – and in aesthetic medicine in general – exosomes are used for collagen formation, cell regeneration, improved skin quality and hair growth. This is achieved through communication with other cells and essential active ingredients contained in the exosomes, such as microRNA and polynucleotides.


As a refined version of the well-known PRP treatment, platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) treatment is usually even more efficient than its renowned predecessor. As the name implies, it utilises platelet-rich (thrombocyte-rich) fibrin and is often referred to as ‘vampire lifting 2.0’.

A small amount of blood is taken for the treatment. Spinning the blood at a low speed in a centrifuge and then heating it removes the red blood cells. What remains is the platelet-rich fibrin. Compared to the PRP method, the obtained serum still contains stem cells with essential exosomes and growth factors.

The fibrin is injected into the skin using ultra-fine needles, where it repairs damaged cells, stimulates collagen formation and improves skin elasticity.


Dermarollers or Dermapens are used for microneedling. They are fitted with tiny needles and are guided over the skin with gentle pressure. This creates micro-fine punctures in the skin. The body’s endogenous receptors are stimulated – thus activating a series of self-healing effects. Growth factors are released, and the production of elastin and collagen is stimulated.

For even better results, the Doctor Duve team applies special solutions to the treated skin immediately after the treatment. They contain additional growth factors. Alternatively, we use PRF from the outside.


From anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties to stimulating collagen and elastin production, the latest beauty booster has many benefits. Polynucleotides are protein-based fillers obtained from the DNA of salmon. They are injected into the affected areas, either as a stand-alone solution or mixed with hyaluronic acid.

Polydioxanone (PDO)

The synthetically produced but biodegradable polydioxanone has been used in medicine for some time as a suture material or for thread lifts. It dissolves inside the body within six months and stimulates collagen production. This makes it the perfect choice for skin-tightening applications. Thanks to the latest microparticle technology, polydioxanone can now also be used as a filler, providing excellent lifting results.

For whom is the treatment with regenerative medicine suitable?

Regenerative medicine is suitable for anyone with mild to moderate signs of skin ageing. It is also a perfect solution for preventative treatment and for scars or skin damage. The biological beauty boosters deliver well-tolerated and natural results. There is no need to be afraid of excessive treatment and bloated looking faces.

If sagging or other signs of skin ageing are already well advanced, regenerative medicine can usually no longer deliver the desired result. In these cases, other fillers or surgical procedures are suitable for achieving the desired result.

How does regenerative medicine differ from fillers?

Conventional fillers are chemically prepared substances that are injected into the skin. They deliver good results almost immediately. However, the treatment must be repeated after around 6 to 12 months in order to maintain the effect. As some of these are chemical substances, unnatural results and overtreatment can occur.

By contrast, natural bio-boosters consist solely of the body’s endogenous materials. They usually only exhibit their full effect after 4–6 months, which means patience is required.  But good things come to those who wait: the results are completely natural, and the effect lasts longer than with fillers.

Are there side effects with regenerative medicine?

As with any procedure, side effects can also occur with regenerative medicine. Redness or slight swelling of the treated skin may occur. At the slight chance that they occur, these symptoms are usually only minimal and subside quickly without a trace. If bio-boosters are mixed with chemical substances or other materials that are not produced naturally in the body, there is a small risk of allergic reactions.

How much does the treatment cost?

The cost depends on the treatment type and method. I look forward to discussing your individual treatment plan with you. As an initial estimate, you can use the following costs per session as a guide:

  • Nanofat/stem cells: Starting at EUR 1,250
  • Autologous exosomes: Starting at EUR 1,000
  • Microneedling: Starting at EUR 250
  • PRF treatment: Starting at EUR 600
  • Biostimulators: Starting at EUR 400

Frequently asked questions about treatment with regenerative medicine

Answers from the expert Dr. Duve

When can I expect to see the results?

Generally, the full results can be seen 4–6 months after the treatment.

How long do the results last?

Depending on the method, the results last between 6 months and several years.

Is the treatment painful?

Every person has their personal pain threshold, but regenerative medicine procedures are generally rather painless.



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